1. Yay, it’s Friday!!! Even as a stay-at-home mom I love my Fridays and weekends, they never get old, ever. Joining Kelly for some quick (and brief) takes and a few too many pictures.
2. This week I found myself short on time and sleep. Grace decided her 2 month gig of sleeping through the night was over. Just as her brother fell under the weather and needed some extra snuggles from mom at 2:00am and then again at 5:00am for the past three nights.
3. Baby’s first selfie! Welcome to the era you were born into sweet baby girl.
4. We have a monster rhubarb plant and I am now first getting around to doing anything with it. My dilemma with the plant is that the only way you can make it eatable is to add cups upon cups of sugar. Any favorite recipes? The boys begged me to eat some of it raw and well…their faces say it all!!
5. When your sons beg you to scrub your floors you quickly find the rags before the enthusiasm is gone and the fight over who gets to scrub more has ceased.
6. Ethan had an abscessed tooth he needed to have pulled this week. What a trooper, in his words he rocked the house! Indeed he did!! We are not above a bribe of ice cream to help ease the pain and nerves, because I am not sure I would be brave enough to sit still through it. Examining the goods, his first loss tooth!!
7. Every day I learn more and more about being a mom to boys, lego building parties result in mom having broken nails. Seriously, do the pieces need to be practically cemented together?!
As we enter into the weekend remembering the reason we celebrate Memorial Day. Grateful for those who served, grieving those who never returned home and admiring the families that stood by and encouraged our heroes.
We’ve got a rhubarb muffin recipe that I just LOVE. But you’re right, I believe it does call for a ridiculous amount of sugar. I think that’s just the nature of the beast…
Ha, so true! My mother in-law substitutes honey for the sugar, I may have to try that.
Save the Lego’s! We raised three boys and when they had children, 4 girls and 2 boys, we all played with the same Legos.
Will have to remember that, definitely a toy that can be passed down.