Filling a suitcase with goodies, books and lots of love!
As I prepare for this new role as MOM, which comes with incredible responsibility I am filled with excitement, hope, love and new-mom nerves!! I hear the nerve thing is natural, but with it I wonder a few things.
Will I change out of pajamas before my husband comes home from work. Perhaps it will just routinely be pajamas to yoga pants and reverse.
Will I have time to shower and perhaps throw on a little mascara or will I be unrecognizable by dinner time.
Will I pack on my own “pregnancy” 20 from all day grazing and constant meal prepping. Not to mention the fall off of any exercise routine.
Will I always respond with patience and joy.
Will I be able to let the laundry, dishes and cleaning go and just enjoy the moment. Laughing, living and loving every second.
I do feel like I have already learned a few things in preparation. Examples include, but not limited to: there are really only a few stores where you can find toddler underwear, I now know where not to look. Sock and shoe sizes are different. This was realized after I ordered a ridiculous amount of socks online to only have them looking like they would fit my feet!
I am guessing this is just the beginning of a life long learning process. Praying I know how to do this new-mom thing, I also know that I am not in this alone. Thankful for a loving and supportive husband, who will absolutely shine as a father! Grateful for God’s abundant grace and giving us one day at a time. Knowing He will supply the grace for each moment and each step, even if I am still in my pajamas at 5pm!
Ha! I remember one time when my wife and I were newly weds and living in an apartment, I came home from work and she bolted away from the door, still in pajamas.
My children are adults but since retirement, pajamas are fair attire unless I leave the house. Enjoy.
Sounds like your learning a lot, and mentally preparing for ups and downs in the days ahead.
I just discovered this Cassie! God Bless you all and Happy New Year…I’m going to share it with my daughter!!