I thought this was a perfect post to put up today, since it is my mom’s birthday! I had the opportunity and privilege of spending the past couple of days with my mom, love having mother-daughter time. Wish distance wasn’t a factor and we could do it more often! I feel like as I get older I recognize and appreciate even more so the characteristics she has that I hope to model.
My mom is a very friendly and outgoing person; she has the unique ability to strike up conversations with complete strangers. It’s remarkable to see how people react, especially when their faces light up from her sincerity. I always knew this, but it was reinforced even more the past few days and it gave me a lot to think about.
A few examples:
She was waiting for an appointment a few months back and started talking with the woman sitting next to her and in the process she told my mom her whole life story.
The other day there was an elderly couple who looked confused while reading a piece of paper, my mom observed that they probably needed help and took the time to point them in the right direction.
Yesterday in the elevator she carried on a conversation with an Amish couple and at the end wished them a good evening as they departed, it was obvious they were surprised by the salutation.
I know it’s partly my personality being more introverted that I don’t find myself having these similar experiences, but more so I think the reason is because I am missing them. I am often caught up in the hustle and bustle of life to stop and smell the roses, to stop and notice the people God has put in my path at that moment. I admit I try and get in and out of the grocery store as quick as I can, some weeks I even time myself…guessing that doesn’t leave a lot of room to be open to the person who may need a kind word or a simple hello.
We live in a culture where it’s becoming the norm not to know your neighbors, the people living right across the street from you. Too often we become consumed with our own lives and concerns that we don’t see the hurting person next to us. When I think about this it makes me wonder how many times I have missed opportunities to show a little light and love to someone simply because I didn’t take the time.
“The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved.” – Mother Teresa
I enjoy striking up conversations with random people. I think I get that from my mom. I thought of your mom today on her birthday. Love her and your entire family. So blessed!
Cassie, I’ve so missed you. It was wonderful reading this! I didn’t realized that you blogged. I look forward to reading more. I hope we can catch up soon. I am sure so much has happened in life. I can’t wait to read more, although the Wednesday night does call me away. Blessings to you as the Holy Spirit calls you to be present in new ways maybe even in the hustle and bustle…we just have to be watching and listening.
Thanks, I just started not too long ago. Yes, let’s set up a coffee date!