On Tuesday Aaron and I celebrated our eighth wedding anniversary! Eight years!! Cliche as it is, the time has flown!
This year was much different than the previous years and not just because of the warm weather and rain compared to the usual snow we see. We didn’t do anything out of the ordinary. Dinner out and a movie when we got home.
We happened to go to the same restaurant we did three years ago on our anniversary, except then the circumstances and day were overshadowed by grief and hardship. In 2012 we sat at our anniversary dinner having just found out that I had an ectopic pregnancy.
Completely scared, frightened and losing hope of the dream of ever having children. At the time questioning God’s plan. Wondering if His presence was near or when I would ever feel like my prayers were being heard. Never imaging the blessings He had planned in the years to come.
The cross of infertility and miscarriage is hard on marriages and unfortunately leads many couples to the road of divorce. I am the first to admit that the past seven years were not easy on our marriage. Although there was a lot of joy and love we also had a lot of grief and heartache to navigate through. Yet it was in the cross that our marriage has been strengthened, that we have grown closer together and fallen more in love.
I am blessed to have shared the moments, the joys and sorrows, with an amazing husband. One who has been my rock, given me strength and my calm in the storm. One who has knelt down and prayed next to me when I could not utter the words.
This year we were accompanied by two extra dinner guests (the boys were so excited to dress up and join us) and lots of movement from a sweet girl I can’t wait to meet! My heart could not help but rejoice!! Rejoice in the love that has multiplied in our marriage with the blessing of children. Rejoice in God’s goodness and faithfulness. Rejoice in a plan far beyond one I could imagine.
My heart has been so full this week! Seven years praying for the blessing of children and now in one years time being entrusted with three!!
As I spent a brief time in prayer Tuesday morning the words I read struck my heart. “How great is Your love; how deep are Your designs oh God. We see devastation; God sees the seeds of new life. Walk by faith not by sight. Let your heart dare to hope!”
I pray that during this advent season as we prepare and await for Christmas, it will be a season of hope. A hope that does not fade or weary. Instead a hope that brings peace knowing God will bring life and light out of the darkness.
So beautiful! Tearing up, I’m so happy for your family Cassie!