Today is Mother’s Day, for many of us it is a day of celebration, reminiscing, gratitude, joy, laughter and counting our blessings. Grateful for the beautiful mothers in our lives and for those little souls entrusted to our care, who we have the privilege of being a mother to.
While though for some, Mother’s Day is a day filled with loss, grief, emptiness, longing and waiting. For over seven years, that was me. I dreaded Mother’s Day. I wished I could opt out, fast forward, skip the day on the calendar or just sleep through it.
A day that I woke up knowing the grief I would encounter. Knowing the tears that would stream down my face during the Mother’s Day blessing at Mass, the flowers I would have to say “no thank you” to as waitresses handed them out at brunch to mothers, the gathering with family as everyone said “Happy Mother’s Day” to each other and I awkwardly stood on the side.
Today now five kids and six years later my arms are full and the dread of the day is gone. I feel beyond grateful and blessed with the incredible gifts I have been given. Still I do not forget the pain, there is a sadness in my heart for the years I grieved and for the babies I never held.
Although, my house is now bustling and most days are filled with chaos, today I am thinking of you. All it takes is for me to sit for a quiet moment and I can go back to those days, those years, those memories.
For you who are waiting, longing to see two pink lines and hoping this will be the month. For those who are grieving having said good bye to their baby all too soon, because of miscarriage or stillbirth. For you who have experienced the incredible heartache of burying a child. For those who have made an insurmountable sacrifice entrusting their child to another mother. I see you and I am praying for you.
Although, you may not receive the traditional Mother’s Day flowers today look at the image above. These flowers are for you, pick your favorite bouquet and take it as your own. You are a mother whether you have born children or not, whether you have children currently in your arms or have kissed them softly on the cheek as you said good-bye. You are a mother. Happy Mother’s Day!
I love this quote from Servant of God Chiara Corbella Petrillo.
What I wish to say to the mothers who have lost children is this: we have been mothers; we have had this great gift. The amount of time does not matter: one month, two months, a few hours. What matters is that we have had this gift…and it is something that can never be forgotten.
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