We didn’t do anything pinterest worthy, make any fancy cake or throw a party. It was just the four of us around the dinner table, nonetheless just as exciting (besides that the ultrasound tech already clued me in)!
I originally was hoping to be off bed rest by this point in the pregnancy and thought I would be able to do something a bit more creative for the gender reveal. Still on bed rest and life’s curves have proven me otherwise.
The boys were asking almost every day last week if we could open the envelope and find out the gender. I think Aaron may have wanted to keep the suspense a little longer, but the boys won out and we opted for this past Sunday.
Over the past couple of weeks Ethan would refer to the baby as a brother while Kolbe was pretty certain and quite adamant the baby was a girl. We tried to do our best to prepare them for the opposite, so they wouldn’t be disappointed.
Looks like they have a sister!!!
The boys have decided that they will name the baby either Sister or Girl Jesus.
We are thrilled and I am of course excited to have a little pink around and perhaps a calming personality to balance the wonderful craziness of little boys! God is good!!
Congratulations! !! We are so so so thrilled for you all!!
Wonderful news
I take such joy from reading your posts and updates. Adoption, marriage, pregnancy, motherhood, real life – you are authentic and holy. I think of you often as I parent in solidarity. 🙂 I pray for you and Aaron and your little ones. God is working miracles through you and the world is so blessed by your witness. Hang in there lady! You are enough. Many hugs! Amberly
Yes, God is good all the time, all the time God is good. Congrats and hang in there.
God bless,
Magnifique!!!!!!! Nous continuons de prier chaque jour pour vous et….votre petite fille!! Que Marie et Jesus vous protègent chère Cassie!
Les enfants se joignent à moi pour vous envoyer toute notre affection.. de France!
Marie Blanche
So sweet .. Congratulations !!