An inside look at what has been sitting on my night stand these last few weeks. Most of the content is spiritual since that was a focus of mine during Lent and then of course some design inspiration for my constant aspiring home makeover mind.
Here is what I have been reading.
1. Stop Worrying and Start Living by Gary Zimak. I tend to be a worrier by nature and it is something I need to constantly work on. Letting go of anxiety over the unknown and unforeseen and trusting in an all loving God and in His loving providence that wills the best for me. This book contains short daily reflections that are easy to incorporate into the day.
2. Ultimate Makeover by Carrie Gress. Motherhood is hard and the battle sometimes difficult to always remain cheerful amidst sleepless nights, poopy diapers and screaming kiddos. I am only a little ways into this book, but it is so good. This book puts it all in perspective, motherhood and all that it entails is the path that will get me to heaven or at least have me die trying.
3. The Magnolia Journal There is something to be said about flipping through the pages of a magazine that contains beautiful photography, home design and inspiration for making a house a home.
4. Way of the Cross published by Marian Press. I could not find a link to the actual book that I have, but all of the text is found on their website. Beautiful reflections of Christ’s passion to reflect on throughout Lent. The text is taken from the Diary of St. Faustina.
What have you been reading? Would love to hear, I am always looking for new reads.
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