…to the ER that is!
I knew it was bound to happen with two very active boys and 16 months in we found ourselves at the ER. I am guessing it is the first of more to come being there was another close call later last night.
It was around 5:30pm, just finished getting supper ready to throw in the oven and Aaron was going to be home late. I was nursing Grace and the boys were picking up and running around like mad men as they always seem to do right before supper. Ethan grabbed a hold of Kolbe and told him to run! As Kolbe ran in circles Ethan flew off, I heard a loud bang and instant crying. Knowing he probably hit his head but not expecting anything more.
He came out into the living room with his hand covered in blood as it continued to run down his back. I quickly got up and could feel my heart race trying not to panic, but in reality I was panicking!! When I called Aaron at work to tell him to meet us at the ER, he was surprised how calm I sounded. I guess I played it well.
Thankfully the bleeding seemed to stop quickly, but I could tell the gash was deep. It seemed like complete chaos as I tried to get myself and the three kiddos out the door and into the van. I prayed the entire drive and felt like I had no idea what I was doing. Should have I held more pressure on it, does it really need stitches, what if he passes out in the van, maybe I should have used ice.
We pulled into the parking lot the same time as Aaron, which was a huge relief! Two staples later in the back of his head and he didn’t even flinch! No tears at the ER, one tough soldier. Such a brave little boy!!
Of course ice cream helps to make everything all better! All smiles today and back to his silly self.
Today he told me that he was scared yesterday and I had to admit that I was too. Now that my feet are wet I am praying it’s a loooong time before we find ourselves in the ER again!
I am so glad he is okay! Prayers and hugs!
Thank you! He bounced back to his normal self shortly after leaving the ER.
Injuries are sure to happen. But if they keep getting ice cream for every trip to the ER, you may find yourselves there often.
Haha, no doubt!! I have had them asking for a shot after seeing the payout one gets! Ice cream works wonders!