I have never been struck with bad cabin fever and so anxious for spring as I have been this winter. For good reason as I have basically been hibernating since the New Year. It really didn't set in until February, as January was a complete blur with the arrival of Grace and adjusting to life as a family of five. With Grace being born a preemie during the peak of cold and flu season her doctors told us not to bring her out of the house for a few months and to keep her away from crowds of people. So as a result I also do not leave the house, except to quick grab some groceries on Saturday and go to church on ... view the post
Grace Upon Grace
This weekend we celebrated Grace's baptism and I am still recovering from the preparation and events. I am not sure how families with several small children make it out the door and arrive early for Mass. Hopefully I will find out the secret soon as we will be able to bring Grace to Mass in the next few weeks. We had a very small baptism with just grandparents and godparents as the doctors don't want her in big groups of people yet. The priest who baptized Grace is the same one who gave me the anointing of the sick during my pregnancy when we first learned that my placenta had started to abrupt. Now to have him ... view the post
The Things They Say
A collection of some of the latest and greatest words from my wise little ones. They keep me laughing...and on my toes! Never a dull moment in this house. While setting up our nativity outside. Me: We will wait for Christmas to put baby Jesus out. Kolbe: Why? Is he stuck? Maybe he is just lost in the temple. Ethan trying to have a serious conversation with me about a book he would like me to find while Grace coos in the background. E: Gracie can you please stop talking?! Prior to Grace being born I was telling Aaron about my expensive compression stockings ripping again. K: It's because your butt is ... view the post
The Arrival (part 2)
At 3:00am the doctor came in and said we needed to do a c-section before the situation became drastically worse and a threat to the baby. I had read up about placental abruption during my pregnancy and knew the danger it posed to both of us. In the next 15 minutes several doctors came with what seemed like an overload of information to process in such a short time. Everything from the anesthesiologist telling me I would be put completely under and Aaron couldn't be in the room with me, to the neonatalogist saying our baby would be in the NICU for six weeks. Overwhelmed with information all I could say was I ... view the post
The Arrival
Hard to believe we are past the one month point especially as my official due date was last week! As I seem to still be saying, it all seems completely surreal! Already up to 6 pounds 3 ounces, she is growing like a weed and we are out of preemie clothes. It's hard to imagine our lives without her this past month and as unexpected as her delivery was I am grateful for the extra six weeks of snuggling our little beauty! A week before Grace's arrival, with absolutely no idea we would soon be meeting her! This month has flown by perhaps because of the craziness of her arrival, the lack of sleep, or trying to adjust ... view the post