One of the most beautiful things about our sons are their hearts, their innocence and their love of Jesus! We are so blessed that this love was something instilled in them at a young age and now passed on to us to help nourish and mature.
Before having children I always wondered how I would answer their complicated questions about God, Jesus and the faith. Wondering if I could explain it in a way that they would understand without feeling they were retaking one of my college theology classes.
Let’s just say I am grateful for grace and guidance from the Holy Spirit as I try to answer their inquisitive minds. Questions so simple yet heartfelt, sincere and profound.
I have that learned catechesis and religion class is not something taught for just an hour a week, but an ongoing process. A process that needs to be led and exemplified by my husband and I. So it becomes much more than something learned and instead will be a part of who they are.
I have also learned that if there is one question I need to be prepared for many more to follow! Here are some of their most recent questions and comments about the faith.
Jesus is a person like us.
Jesus is nice, he isn’t mean. Only hyenas are mean.
The devil is mean. Can the devil hurt us?
I bet mommy would scream like this if she saw the devil, aaaahhhhhh!!!!!
Will we drive to heaven? Probably use an airplane.
I want Jesus to drive our van in heaven. Can he drive our van?
Can I bring my dump truck to heaven. I want Jesus to play with my dump truck.
Look I made benches with legos for everyone in our family, but Jesus gets two of them.
Will I have a bed in heaven?
Will mommy and daddy go to heaven too?
Who will go first mommy or daddy?
I want everyone to be nice and pray to Jesus so they can all go to heaven.
My prayer for them is that they never lose their love of Jesus and their desire for heaven. When trials arise may they have a faith so strong to lift them and carry them through. May they never stop seeking the one who made them. I pray the faith we have passed on will take deep root and forever flourish in their lives and hearts!
A childlike faith is a wonderful thing. I enjoy seeing the same in my two little girls. It’s amazing watching them clearly and properly explain what their Savior has done for them…..and then follow it up with an off the wall question or comment like you listed above.
Thanks for the post. I’ve been enjoying following your blog. Have a great day!
Cassie, write this prayer for them somewhere safe to find later. It is beautiful!
Beautiful! I think the hardest question listed there is “Can the devil hurt us?” MAN! How to answer those types of questions huh? I don’t know if a favorite answer of mine. I’m sure my sweet daughter has already figure out that mama does not know everything. However I do notice that when it comes to these hard questions we seem to almost be at the same level sometimes in our understanding of these sacred mysteries. I am teaching her that we just don’t know. To have that child like awe is pretty awesome.