…at home, with mom as the teacher!
I am the first to admit I never ever ever thought I would homeschool or be the homeschooling mom, never. I had decided long before having children that it wasn’t for me, I wasn’t cut out for the job and it wouldn’t suite our lifestyle.
It all changed as we started the process to adopt older children and I couldn’t wrap my mind around sending them to school all day, every day after only being home for months. After a lot of thinking, praying, reading and discussing, my husband and I knew without a doubt what would be best for our sons at this point in life, homeschool.
The beauty of being a parent is having the freedom and ability to make choices for your children that best meet their needs. The more I parent the more I realize there is not a single cookie cutter way of how to raise your children. The most important advice I can give is you are the parents, it is your choice and you know what is best to help your child flourish, grow and mature.
Does it require some sacrifice, self-giving and perhaps extra time? Yes, welcome to parenting in a nutshell. Will we homeschool all the way through? Probably not, but that is a decision I don’t have to make at this time. Homeschooling gives us the ability to evaluate each year what is best for our family and hands down this is the best choice for us in regards to kindergarten.
I have had my moments of feeling a little overwhelmed at the responsibility of it all, but the more I read and see how my son learns the more I am confident in my ability to teach him. Academically he is more than ready for kindergarten, heck I purchased an entire curriculum only to mail it back and order something different because I knew it wouldn’t be challenging enough for him.
For us it’s more than just academics. Stepping back we had to look at the whole picture, the development of our son and blending of our family. Even though he has been home seven months, attachment is always an on going process. Plus with a new baby arriving, which will throw a complete change into family dynamics, it’s all the more reason for us to homeschool.
So here’s to a great year of kindergarten!! Excited for what this year has in store and thankful for the gift to be able to teach my son!
(Never say never, you may surprise yourself!)
Ann, you are amazing and a beautiful woman. God Bless you every day
Thank you, you are too sweet!!
Blessings in your homeschooling journey!
Thank you!!
Yes! Kindergarten! I said the same thing! I said , teaching is not for me. I’m no good at teaching. Etc. Etc. But, well here I am. I also started kindergarten this year with my oldest little girl. I ordered Catholic Heritage curricula. I ended up adding Handwriting without tears for writing which I find works better. As far as having no idea what I’m doing, that is definitely me! We are doing it in a less than typical way since my husband and I both work full time. It’s not easy and we are not sure how this will pan out, but I feel passionate to do it for now. I also like to throw in elements of Mater Amabilis which is a Charlotte mason free online curriculum.
Anyway, this is exciting and fun. Enjoy this new and exciting milestone for both of you!
Cheers to a great year! Too funny, we are also using Catholic Heritage and so far I really like it.
I heard great things about it! So far we enjoy it too. My daughter loves God’s Love Story.
What a good idea especially this first year home! Homeschooling is not for the faint of heart so i give u tons of credit. I was homeschooled K-12 but my parents decided what was best for each sibling year by year.