1. I bought this succulent this past summer and it is the only plant/flower I have ever kept alive for more than a month. Including killing my mother in-law’s aloe vera plant. Needless to say no green thumb here. I had purchased it thinking of my Grandmother whose birthday we remember next week and is so incredibly missed. She always had a beautiful collection of plants in her living room and could make anything grow. I remember her bringing one of my mom’s plants back to life, only to be nervous returning it to her fearing she would kill it again!
2. The temp is suppose to hit almost 50 today! It may be premature, but I am calling it spring for this frozen tundra! Fully aware that it probably means a snow storm in April.
3. The flu is spreading like wild fire in my sons’ school, specifically their classroom. Knock on wood, we haven’t caught it yet. I decided to try something new this year having a babe in the house and the boys being in traditional school, elderberry syrup. We have been taking it since November and so far I have noticed that we have had a lot less colds in the house and made it through the holidays without anyone getting sick, which never happens. It’s a bit pricey, but will be well worth it if we dodge the flu. (I feel like I am asking for bad karma in posting this.)
4. I love the look of this top, bonus it’s 40% off right now.
5. Happened upon these granola bites, intended for my super picky 2 year old to have as a healthy substantial snack during a recent trip. I have discovered they are amazingly tasty and also so happens to be the perfect snack for nursing mamas who are always hungry!
6. Lent is just around the corner, although I feel like we should still be celebrating Christmas. Time to start thinking of what I plan on doing and giving up. What do I consume the most during the day? Coffee and LaCroix sparkling water. Staples for mamas with babies and coping mechanisms for sleepless nights…not sure I am ready to attempt life without it.
7. I can usually get something semi-accomplished while the little ones nap during the day. On other days, like yesterday not at all. It was a day I needed four arms as they both wanted to be held during their entire nap. After letting go of my to do list, I welcomed the quiet stillness giving myself permission to slow down and rest. I was right where God was calling me to be, present to my children something that I can’t cross off my to do list.
Join Kelly for more.
Don’t give up LaCroix! You’re not a desert father!
Maybe just limit the number you have in a day?? I find I drink LaCroix at twice the rate of any other seltzer brand I bring into the house.
Giving up coffee winds up being a penance for the whole family so I tend to not impose that on everyone….though I have scaled back to 1/2 cafe and occasionally decaf and I mentally convince myself I’m feeling fine.
Thanks for linking up!
Haha!! I like the idea of limiting how many I have or perhaps not buying my favorite flavor.