Our boys ask almost every day when summer will be here and on Sunday they finally got a taste of it. Filled with bright sunshine and 80, but much more than that it is one I want to forever keep in my memory and etched in my heart.
After attending Church at a beautiful shrine, my husband planned a picnic lunch at a park by the water. There were so many moments filled with authentic joy and love!
The day included a lot of first for our sons. Things I normally take for granted, but today they put them in a whole new light. It was the first time having sand between their toes and feeling the waves rush against their legs.
The first time learning how to skip rocks and watching in amazement as theirs skimmed across the water. Of course seeing whose rock could also make the biggest splash!
As I stood and watched my sons in awe of the waves and sand, laughing and smiling, I was overwhelmed by God’s goodness and grace. The hand of God was so evident. The presence of God so tangible.
We ended the day with ice cream cones! Another first for the boys and it is now on their favorite list. They were so excited they both broke out in dance and equally excited when we told them they could also eat the cone! Lucky for them their mommy is also a big ice cream fan!
Like them I am looking forward to summer and am excited to see the temp rising, but right now I am going to savor the sweetness of the moment. Taking in each moment as if it were the first and slowing down to see the ones I far too often let pass me by.
Joy full!
Love their look with the ice cream cones. I love how they are enjoying all of these simple pleasures, it makes me appreciate them more too!
Love all the summer firsts, including the beach..