Already feeling the beached whale status the boys do their part to keep me humble and at the same time manage to keep me laughing. Never afraid to share what they are really thinking, sometimes I wish they knew how to sugar coat it.
K: Are you sure we are having a new baby, maybe you are just getting a big belly?
After I did a victory dance when I beat the boys in Uno.
E: You really need to stop being so sassy, you are teaching our new baby to be sassy. Do you know he can see what you are doing?
Ready to head out the door.
K: Mom, are you wearing that?
Me: Yeah, why?
K: You maybe should put on a different shirt, that one makes your belly look really big!
Telling Aaron about comments I have been receiving lately about having children so close in age.
E: Sometimes people are just annoying.
Holding a magnify glass up to my stomach.
K: Woah!!! Look at how big your belly is!!
E: You should probably stop eating so many cheetos otherwise this baby will have orange hair like Grace.
K: Mom if you die can we at least keep the baby?
E: I think you should wear lipstick today.
Me: Oh, why is that?
E: Because it makes you look like a ballerina.
Having a conversation about how I wouldn’t really be able to do much water activity at the lake this year.
K: I know mom you can be the anchor of the boat!
Walking through the parking lot to church.
E: Remember that one time we got to Mass before it started.
That last line. The one about mass. Can that really happen?
OMG this is way to funny. Glad your documenting all these very funny comments. I don’t know if you follow “Shower of Roses” blog. Her youngest said to her after her latest one was born as he was smelling the new baby, “Mommy it must really smell good inside of your tummy because our baby smells so good.” Hope and pray that this baby likes it inside so much that he/she makes it to the due date.
God bless,