Happy Monday and we have almost made it through January! Only four more months until Spring!
Lately I have been feeling like time is going by so quickly, the boys who used to be only five are now ten and eleven. The baby is now a toddler and Grace will be in Kindergarten next year. The days seem to muddle together and the weeks are soon months gone by and I am left catching my breath, more like trying to catch some sleep. If for no other reason, I write these down because I don’t ever want to forget these days and these moments. Hopefully they make you smile too!
Grace: The Lord is my shepherd, I will tell him what I want.
Me: Oh Caden, I love you so much!
Caden: Don’t say that right now, I am pooping!
Sitting down to dinner, which included french fries thrown in the oven.
Grace: Ahh. (takes a bite of her fries) I deserve this.
Me: Deserve what?
Grace: Oh, these french fries. I deserve to eat as many as I would like.
Me: If only we can get Briella to sleep better.
Grace: Well, she probably doesn’t want to sleep in her crib, it’s like she’s in prison!
Ethan: I think we should have ice cream. Ice cream always bring tidings of comfort and joy!
Grace: Want to know why I keep a rosary in my jewelry box?
Me: Why?
Grace: To remind me of Jesus’ love!
Caden: So, when I am 17 I can get a phone?
Me: Yes.
Caden: I will be four next birthday. Will I have another birthday after that?
Me: Yes.
Caden: Okay, so the next birthday after four, then I will be 17!! Hopefully, my phone comes in a box from FedEx!
Grace: Mom, I need the ballerina and unicorn wrapping paper.
Me: Oh, who are you wrapping a gift for?
Grace: For Mary and Jesus.
Caden: You are the best mama, forever!
Caden: I have to go to the bathroom!
Grace: I hope it’s not number three. Number three is messy!
Grace: I love Caden, like I am going to marry him.
Me: Where did you hear that from?
Grace: Well, I am almost 12 you know.
Having yet to sit down to eat my dinner, while meeting another request from one of the children needing something.
Caden: Mom, just be grateful. Be grateful, mom.
Me: I am honey.
Caden: Mom, you just need to be beautiful.
So sweet absolutely adorable
Thank you, they keep me on my toes!