Apologies for the lag in my blogging habits the past two weeks. I will try to improve my efforts and not let it become a summertime habit.
I am breaking from my normal format and linking to a Go Fund Me page, because this just pulls at my heart too much to let it pass by.
A place where we were just 5 months ago and a place that will forever be a part of our lives. On June 3 Ghana was hit with a massive flood, leaving more than a hundred dead, numerous homeless and many left with nothing
As I sit here and wonder if I should post this I can’t help but think of the surplus we have in our country, the wealth, the food, the cars, the clothing. And then my mind travels to Ghana and I simply try to imagine what kind of hardship these people are now experiencing.
Completely incomprehensible for me to fathom going from struggling to barely get by, to losing everything even the small coal stove to make food. Wondering how I will care for my children, where I will find shelter or how the next meal will be made.
Besides praying for them every day and donating money it still seems like it is not enough. Not enough because I know where I will lay my head tonight, wake up to a well stocked fridge and pantry, two cars in the garage and all the conveniences that have made my life so easy.
Perhaps it’s in tragedies like this that cause me to step back and realize how easy my life really is. The little things that I fret over or allow to unsettle me really are pointless when I look at life through another lens.
As my mind continues to imagine I pray that I will always be grateful, never take for granted and forever generous.
Thank you for posting this!
Here is a link for some images that my cousin, Christian took for the Associated Press. I’m sure you heard about the explosion in a gas station as people were seeking shelter from the flooding. The disease and problems that go with the flooding makes me really feel sad for everyone. My husband’s parents were getting on a flight to visit the day after this happened from Accra, and thank God they had no delays and arrived safely. Keeping Ghana in your prayers is the most powerful thing you can do. Donating money is secondary, but also very good. I hope everyone will devote some prayer to Ghana, and perhaps give up some suffering for the relief of someone suffering in Ghana. Maybe that mother who is unsure what her children will eat tonight.
Thank you for the link to the pictures and your comment. You are absolutely right prayers are the most powerful!