Lately the news headlines seem to have become more frightening, instilling more anxiety and stealing more hope. I admit with being a stay-at-home mom there are days when I conveniently bury my head and avoid the news all together and I leave it to Aaron to fill me in on the major stories. Before becoming mom I was up to speed on the news, part of my job as a producer was reading the headlines and staying up to date with current events.
Now that I have children keeping up with the news cycle more often than not causes me to lose my focus. My mind drifts to the negative and gives way to fear. Leaving me so often wondering what kind of world my children will grown up in. I realize the importance of having knowledge of world affairs, because both the good and the bad it’s the world we live in.
Yet trying to instill hope in my children becomes harder when evils of the world seem to be ever more rampant. Such young minds and innocent hearts. I want them to dream big and reach for the stars. Believe and achieve, because anything is possible no matter what the social, political or economic climate may be.
It is through their eyes that hope abounds, their hearts that forgive easy and their minds that see all things beautiful. Perhaps it is them teaching me. Showing me how to be still, to rejoice always and always hold strong to the hope that God alone gives.
“Pray, hope, and don’t worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer.” – St Pio
So true!! I think I need to type this up and hang it above my mirror!