Going back in time a bit…it was the day of our big six week ultrasound, I had been waiting for this moment since I first saw the two pink lines. I was anxious, excited, hopeful, nervous and scared. In the past, the early ultrasound is when we would find out that we would lose our baby through miscarriage.
Aaron took the afternoon off so he could be in the room with me, holding my hand as we awaited the news. Laying there all I could do was pray. Praying for a heartbeat, praying for peace and most of all praying for strength to accept God’s will.
It all seemed surreal as the tech showed us the tiny heartbeat. Tears instantly streamed down my cheeks. She went on to show us the little, little body growing. Noticing the tears she asked if I was doing okay. Barely able to answer yes, I told her this was the first time we have ever seen a heartbeat!
We were ecstatic, had a skip in our step and smiles glued on our faces!!
When my doctor called me later that night and told me the results, I knew there was some concern by the tone in her voice. They had discovered hemorrhaging next to what would be the placenta.
I was immediately put on pelvic rest and an antibiotic to help treat the cause of the hemorrhaging. Pelvic rest expanding to no exercise and not being able to pick up my sons, which broke my heart. I would need to go in for an ultrasound every two weeks to ensure the hemorrhaging was not increasing in size.
In the meantime first trimester hit me hard, which is a good thing. My nurses have always told me I hope you get really sick. And nauseous I was, really nauseous!! It was accompanied by crazy aversions and food repulsions. Some days just forcing myself to try and eat something. Of course fatigue and headaches, other wonderful symptoms accompanying new life.
I am hoping as I enter the second trimester I will feel a bit more energized. Perhaps even be able to stomach some of my favorite foods and beverages that I otherwise have not been able to touch. Pizza, coffee, tacos, diet coke, chips and salsa, avocados, hamburgers, brats and sometimes even ice cream to name a few. Although, after reading this list they all seem like things I shouldn’t eat too much of during pregnancy anyways!
I’m sure are quite aware of staying away from all things with Aspartame. It is a product made from petroleum products. PLEASE PLEASE Cassie don’t even look at it. 30 years ago they were telling pregnant women not to drink anything with it in it. Just please take it easy and do what ever the doctors tell you to do. I’m sure this bed rest thing is not fun especially with not being able to play with the boys. None of us readers want anything to happen to you or your little one. Just keep on blogging and let us know how you and the baby and the boys (dad included) are doing. 🙂
God bless,
I agree with this comment!! I definitely took that out of my diet
Cassie, thank you for sharing your stories with us. Just another one that brings us along side you…all your emotions….that has me glued to the screen. My heart is just filled with passion, love, and desire for you and your family. Out of the list, I agree on the diet soda. It’s poison to our bodies with or without a baby! I’ve also taken processed meats out of my diet as much as I can. I know you weren’t asking, but I still have a hard time with this one especially because no one should be drinking it and so many still are. It’s something I am very concerned about.