Our oldest, Kolbe turned six last week and we partied for a few days! We had a little joint celebration for him and his cousin with pizza and homemade ice cream cake. Then on his birth date we took the day off from school, met dad for lunch and headed to the children’s museum. Of course we had his second favorite meal of ravioli for supper!
I can’t believe I am a mom to a six year old!! The first picture I ever saw of him was when he was only three and his big brown eyes instantly melted my heart and they still do today.
He has grown and matured so much in the past 11 months and it has been such a blessing to see him blossom and learn. Full of questions and intrigue, taking it all in and excited to learn new things. His mind is always racing wanting to know how things work and why.
Outgoing, energetic and full of smiles from ear to ear! A smile that will easily warm your heart. Caring, compassionate and sensitive always thinking of others. Rough and tough with dad, but still loving to snuggle up, give hugs and dance with mom.
He holds a competitive and determined spirit. A determination that allows him to do anything he puts his mind to, from learning to ride his bike, starting to read and tie his shoes. Not to mention pulling dad in the sled last winter! Next on his list playing for the Green Bay Packers!
Above all he makes me a better mom, a better person. His amazing faith continually reminds me of the importance of being child like in our relationship with God. His wonder and awe of the spiritual help me to call to mind the fact that God is always present in our every day lives; He is with us if only we open the eyes of our hearts to see Him.
I couldn’t be more proud of all Kolbe has accomplished and overcome this past year and pray God continues to fill his heart with every blessing in the year ahead!
(As a side…32 weeks and I have officially hit third trimester exhaustion and complete lack of motivation. Hoping it doesn’t stick around long!)
Chicago Bears is also a good team. Just sayin’.
I am always inspired by your words. Inspired to be a better mom and inspired to live my faith more fully. Thank you! I will continue to pray for your beautiful family.
p.s. My daughters love the baked apple dip you recommended.