Oh summer how we have waited so long for your arrival, suffering through months of endless cold and snow in what seemed like a never ending winter.
School is out and with a couple of days of 80 degrees we have packed in as much as possible trying to already squeeze every last drop out of these summer days. I have a feeling this summer will leave me feeling exhausted and refreshed all at the same time. Complete with lots of memories and carefree timelessness spent with the ones I love.
In just two days we have managed to play at a favorite park, enjoy a bike ride, sit out in the sun playing board games on the deck, run through the sprinkler, have a water fight, go out for ice cream and stay up late for an outdoor movie in the park. Hence the reason for a little exhaustion.
I usually create a bucket list for the summer and while the kids have mentioned a few things they would like to do my bucket list is going to be creating moments. Moments of time together, whether it be in our backyard, having a simple picnic at the park or playing games with the older boys while the little ones nap. Moments where I am present and not consumed by my to-do list, the basket of unfolded laundry or the layers of dust collecting on the dressers.
I know these beautiful summer days won’t last and we will not be in this season forever. These golden days will slip away all too quickly just as quickly as they all seem to be growing. In what seems like a blink of an eye school will be starting and we will be preparing for the arrival of number 5. Leaving us looking back once again wondering where the time has gone and wishing it would all slow down.
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